Bush proposes five-fold rise in NIH bioterrorism research for 2003

Jan 28, 2002 (CIDRAP News) – The Bush administration says it will seek $1.5 billion for bioterrorism-related research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in fiscal 2003, a five-fold increase over the $300 million budgeted this year.

The administration's proposed 2003 budget calls for a total of $27.3 billion for the NIH, a $3.7 billion, 16% increase over the fiscal 2002 level, Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy G. Thompson announced Jan 26. This would be the largest one-year increase ever for the NIH, he said.

NIH leaders recommended a significant increase in bioterrorism-related research after Sep 11, Thompson said. The institute proposes to increase its basic research, such as study of the genome of potential bioterrorism agents; speed the development of next-generation anthrax vaccines; and improve diagnostic tools, according to Thompson's announcement.

The proposed NIH budget also calls for substantial increases in research on cancer, diabetes, HIV and AIDS, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease, Thompson said.

"This research budget reflects the priority the administration places on a long-term solution to the bioterrorism threat, while fully recognizing the need to pursue a wealth of other important research opportunities," Thompson said.

See also:

HHS press release on proposed NIH funding

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