NEWS SCAN: H5N1 in Egypt, H1N1 patterns in China, dengue advisory

Aug 25, 2010

Egypt reports H5N1 case
Egypt's health ministry today announced that a woman from Qalyubiya governorate has been hospitalized in Cairo with an H5N1 avian influenza infection, Al-Masry Al-Youm, an independent news organization in Egypt, reported today. If her case is confirmed by the World Health Organization she will be listed as Egypt's 112th case, of which 35 have been fatal. According to a ministry statement, she got sick after she had contact with sick poultry. She is reportedly in critical condition despite treatment with oseltamivir (Tamiflu) as soon as she arrived at the hospital.

Researchers track recent H1N1 patterns in China
In an effort to explore the genetic connections between circulating H1N1 viruses in humans and pigs, Chinese researchers compared three new H1N1 swine influenza viruses isolated in the country with all human and swine H1N1 viruses from China over the past 5 years. They published their findings in the Journal of Clinical Virology. They conducted both phylogenetic and molecular analyses during their comparisons. They found that over the past 5 years classical, avian-like, and human-like H1N1 swine influenza viruses circulated in the country's swine herds. They also found evidence of reassortment between H1N1 swine and H3N2 human influenza. Their data did not show a strong correlation between the 2009 H1N1 virus and swine influenza viruses circulating in China.
Aug 21 J Clin Virol abstract

NYC health department issues dengue travel advisory
New York City's health department yesterday issued a travel advisory urging residents to take precautions to avoid dengue fever when traveling to tropical destinations. The warning focuses on the Caribbean and South and Central America, which are common destinations for New York City travelers, the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene said in a statement. The areas have reported more than 1 million cases of dengue fever this year, and the disease has been reported in 50 countries so far, the department said. Though the city has not received any reports of local transmission, cases among New York City residents have occurred in travelers, particularly those who visited Puerto Rico or the Dominican Republic. Dengue transmission has also been occurring in Key West, Fla., since 2009. The health department is urging travelers to use insect repellent on skin and clothing, minimize exposed skin, sleep under a treated bed net if lodging lacks screens, and remove any sources of standing water.
Aug 24 New York health department press release

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